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2014-07-10 22:12:03|  分类: ———心情故事 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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改变自己的30句话 - 溫暖、笑臉 - 温暖、笑臉 ——さ‘Elaine
 . 只有我们自己先相信自己,别人才会相信我们。
 Only our own first believe in yourself, others will believe us.
2. .如果我们努力了虽然不一定能成功,但不努力绝对不会成功.
. if we tried although can not succeed, but not hard never succeed.
3. .哭,并不能解决问题,反而会让别人觉得你懦弱.
. cry, and will not solve the problem, it will let others think you weak.
4. 成功是建立在痛苦之上的
Success is built on the pain of the above
. the road of life is suffering a stack, want to go down, it must be strong.
6 当我们努力去没成功时,只要我们还有去抱怨的力气,那就证明我们还没尽力
 When we try to not success, as long as we still have to complain about strength, then prove we haven't tried to
7. 我们要用心去做事,有多少心就做多少事
 We must work hard to work, how much heart will do much
改变自己的30句话 - 溫暖、笑臉 - 温暖、笑臉 ——さ‘Elaine
 8. 人生没有后悔,我们只能尽力去不让自己后悔
Life without regret, we can only do our best to not to regret
9. 伟人之所以成为伟人,是因为他们在常人浪费生命时奋力的去学习。
. The reason why a great man is become a great man, because they are ordinary people waste life struggling to learn.
10. 我们要相信希望就在前方
. We believe that the hope is just ahead
11. 不要向上天抱怨你的不公,因为上天根本不认识你
. Don't up day complain you injustice, because god don't know you
12. 不要埋怨自己的父母,他们没有错,想活得更好就自己努力
. Don't complain their parents, they have no wrong, want to live better is your efforts
13. 趁现在好好孝敬父母,不要等他们老了没有力气享受时才明白
. Now a good honor your father and your mother, don't wait until they had no strength to enjoy the old don't understand
14. 其实父母想要的不是金钱而是一句简简单单的‘我爱你’罢了
. In fact parents want is not money, but a simple "I love you" just
15. 浪费了今天,我们会在明天去填补今天,会再后天填补明天,我们的生命终将这样填不下去,一事无成
. Wasted today, we will be in tomorrow to fill today, will be acquired fill tomorrow, our life will be so fill not bottom go to, nothing at all
16. 只要开始就不要轻易放弃
. As long as the start, don't give up easily
17. 不要认为自己没用,只是还未到我们绽放的时刻罢了
. Don't think he was useless, but is not to our blossom moment just
18. 衡量一个人的财富的标准在于我们失去周围的一切后还能剩下什么
 The measure of a man's wealth is the standard we lose all around after can also leave
19. 一个人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多优秀。
. A person, if you don't force yourself, you don't know that you have many good.
20. 世界上,成功的有两种人,一种人是傻子,一种人是疯子。傻子是会吃亏的人,疯子是会行动的人。
. The world, successful there are two people, a man is fool, a man is mad. Fool will suffer, madness is action.
改变自己的30句话 - 溫暖、笑臉 - 温暖、笑臉 ——さ‘Elaine
 21. 上天是公平的,只要努力就会有收获,否则就是你不够努力
. God is fair, as long as effort will include results, otherwise is you hard enough
22. 人生总要疯狂一次,拼搏一次
. Life is always crazy once, struggle a
23. 除去睡觉,一个人可以活一万天。人与人之间的不同之处在于:你是活了一万多天,还是只活了一天,复印了一万多份。
. Remove sleep, a man can live for ten thousand days. The different between people in: are you live more than ten thousand days, or only live a day, the copy of more than ten thousand.
24. 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗
. Dream as long as it can hold out for long time, can become a reality. We don't is life in the dream
25. 一个有事业追求的人,可以把“梦”做得高些。虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。
. A career pursuit, can put the "dream" do some taller. Although the start is a dream, but as long as keep on doing, do not give up easily, the dream can come true.
26. 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史
. The road is created by feet, the history is written by human. People's every move is writing his own history
27. 真正的人生,只有在经过艰难卓绝的斗争之后才能实现
. The real life, only after hard and struggle to realize after
28. 改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难
. Transform yourself, than to prohibit others more difficult
29. 宿命论是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口
 fatalism is an excuse of the weak-willed
30. 我们宁愿重用一个活跃的侏儒,不要一个贪睡的巨人
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